How to choose your blog domain name in best way

How to  choose your blog domain name in best way

As a hobby or profession, starting a travel blog is very easy. You can set it within 30 minutes. When I started my blog, when I didn't know the first thing about creating a website, it became very easy. Luckily, on my adventures around the world, I met Matt and Kat, a British couple who were also web designers. When I came home and decided that I wanted to start this travel blog, they agreed to help me set it up and teach me HTML. Next, I hand-coded the website and used a funky tool called Dreamweaver to create it. It was painfully slow, and I was not very good at it. (And my original website was really ugly!) 

How to  choose your blog domain name in best way

How to  choose your blog domain name in best way

Luckily, you no longer have to build that kind of website. They have gotten much easier and simpler thanks to WordPress, a simple out-of-the-box platform designed to make sites easier for those who are not technically savvy (such as yourself ). It has the power of over 25% of the internet and is the best platform to start a blog. It is super flexible and you can do whatever you want to do - from a simple journal to a complex e-commerce website. In our blogging course, we have thousands of students starting a website on WordPress without any technical skills. They got them up and running - and you too! A few months ago, I talked about the ways you can succeed with a travel blog, but today, I will cover a travel blog from scratch in seven easy steps. I want to give a quick tutorial on how to make.

How to  choose your blog domain name in best way
Step 1: 

Choose Your Name The first thing you need to do is a domain name (ie, your website name). While doing so, there are no hard and fast rules. There is no such thing as a "wrong domain name", but there are some rules that I like to live by: create a name that can last - if you choose "" and then you leave Asia, the domain name Would have no meaning. Make sure you choose a name that is not so focused that if you decide to shift gears, you can keep the same domain name. Do not date your blog - nothing related to your age, either. Choose The "twenty-something journey" actually becomes irrelevant as you get older, which is exactly what a blogger I know. Choose a name that may not mean anything to your age! Try to avoid a few words such as "nomad," "vagabond," "wanderer," and "adventure." They've been done to death, and they'll make you feel like you're copying people, not the original. Choose a name that describes what you do as much as possible - I was a nomad, so " Itinerant Matt "was the best for me.

How to  choose your blog domain name in best way

 If you're in luxury, put words in your domain name that express it. You want people to see the name and "I think that's what the website is about." Keep it short - use 3-4 words at most. You want a name that comes out of the tongue. Even from "I Will Teach You to Be Rich", Ramit Sethi calls his site "I Will Teach" or "IWT". Keep it simple - I'm not a fan of using jargon or slang in your domain name. Hmm, because I think it's confusing for people who don't know it. The last thing you want is someone saying, "What does this mean?" Or being confused. If someone has to think hard about the meaning, you have already lost them. So don't try to be clever!

How to  choose your blog domain name in best way

Step 2: Sign up for a host. After choosing your domain name, you have to register it online and buy hosting (small computer in the sky that is going to power your website). (A company does both.) There are a lot of basic hosting companies - and most of them are terrible. However, the two biggest and best are HostGator and Bluehost. I will go with one of those two. Although they are owned by the same parent company, I lean towards HostGator, as I find its call center customer service quick and friendly, and HostGator is at risk of a low outage (Nobody wants their website to go down!). I have been using it since I started; I still run my email through it. It has really improved its service recently and now offers a free SSL certificate (this is the thing that makes your website secure to users). How to set up your host with HostGator Here's how (it won't take long): First, go to the website's sign-up page and get hosting for only $ 2.78 per month. This is more than 60% off the normal price! Enter the domain name you have chosen and then choose the hatching plan. This is the most basic plan, but it is perfect for new blogs. I am going to continue next steps soon .... Please keep reading my blog...
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